
Current Projects

Current Project: PrimeNet CNN.

Prime net is a caffe/ openCV based convolutional neural network written in C++. The image generator creates a [n x n] grayscale image with a scaling factor that determines the number of cell sites available. The CNN will be trained on image sets which contain a bright cells, intensity=255, on a dark grid with intensity=0. The image is built from a [n x n] grid with (p) cells where p| { 0<p<n & p is prime} and n~p.

GitHub Repository


Past Projects

Past Project: 3Property Software Suite. PC, Mobile, and Web software tools for real estate agents.


Three property is a template real estate property management portal. It incorporates all be HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript  for a fully functioning  web tool for agents, brokers and investors.   The site is prepared with a JSON  backend for mobile database access through iOS and android devices.

iOS App, ‘Mobile Manager’


Past Project: MacroLator Nutrient Calculator.

GitHub Repository

Macro nutrient calculator is designed as a lightweight application for mobile devices to allow users a way of calculating macro nutrients quickly and easily from product label information.   It is currently only available on iOS.  This application was designed with Jacob Vitullo.